Day One of the Adventure

Hello all,

Today begins an adventure that I thought I'd capture in a blog. Donna took off for an 8 day short-term mission trip to Guatemala today, and so I've got mom/dad duties. It should be and interesting week and I love to write, so I thought this would be a great way to capture my thoughts and allow you all to partake on the journey with me/us.

We dropped her off at Jill and Steve's last night about 10:00 PM. Sarah had a bad time of it, saying goodbyes and such. She has such a big heart for family, so it's tough any time either of us leaves. The 6 of us said a prayer for safety and God's protection before we left, which was comforting for all I think. She's better least so far.

This morning Donna called about 9:20 to say she had made it to Charlotte, NC. Hooray for leg #1!

Ben had his soccer game today and, well, let's just say they remain winless. (Lost 6-0). They fought to the bitter end though and I was very proud of all of them. More importantly I didn't forget the snacks, as I was the snack parent today. Heaven forbid they don't get their snacks. There was some complaining about "no juice" and I'm not sure I wasn't supposed to bring it too, but oh well. A little less High Fructose Corn Syrup never hurt any one. He loves his soccer, and I realize winning isn't everything...I just wish it was an every-once-in-a-while-thing.

Ben was invited over to Ethan's house for a sleepover tonight which will actually take the load off a bit. He's been fine so far, but I'll take any edge I can get. (i.e. one-on-one versus zone defense.) While he's at Ethan's, Sarah and I will likely take the dog to the Dog park in Brookfield for a bit of socialization. We're both dog lovers, so to see so many different kinds in one place is really a treat.

Tonight begins the meal planning for the week, as last night's leftover pizza was today's lunch. That to me will be the hardest part. I can handle the cleaning/schoolwork/sports thing, but it's the cooking I hate. I don't know how she does it! Cooking to me is probably like me making her (Donna) ride her bike for 10 miles. (WHich I LOVE).

Oh well, I have to rake and cut the lawn today yet, so will say bye for now. Check back daily and I'll keep you posted on my thoughts and any news from Central America.

Love you all and thanks for your prayers!



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