Lennon Lives...and George Too!

Just got back from my son's last concert as a grade schooler a couple hours ago. It was a fine display of vocality. 100 + kids partook and put on a pretty good show for the parents and grands. Oh sure, there were some clunkers, but hey, the price was right and so I can't complain. They finished with a Beatles Medley (The love medley, they called it). It was one of the better concerts I'd been to over the years, mostly because all of the songs were from the 60's and so I knew them all. (Abraham, John, Martin, Surfin' USA, Locomotion, etc.)

It was a good time in a jam packed, sweaty gym (Yes the same place as the Family Dance a few nights ago). I love those kinds of events, as they pull the community together for a common cause.

It was the last concert for Randall Elementary proper. The school is becoming a Stem Academy for K-5th grades next year, with a change in focus to engineering and math. We'll see how that shakes out.

Well, I wanted to get a post in, in lieu of my writing class, which didn't meet tonight, as it is a break between sessions. Next week starts up another 10 weeks, so that should be fun.

For now, I'm blogging off...


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