Y Not

We've been members at the YMCA for about two weeks now. I'm not sure how I feel about it. My wife wants to run in a 5K race. You have to understand she has never been athletically inclined in the least. She always says she hates sweating. I can appreciate that, I guess. So she decided to take charge all of the sudden, and has undertaken the Couch to 5K program. It starts slowly with a mix of walking and jogging.

She is in week three and seems to be hanging in there. She had some pain earlier this week that she self diagnosed as Compartmental Syndrome, thanks in part to WebMD. After taking some advice, she did better today and was pain free. I'm just elated that she's taken charge and is seemingly committed to completing the program. My prayer for her is that she begins to experience the joy of a good workout. The endorphins, the renewed energy levels, better sleeping, confidence, and everything else.

Me, I'm doing OK too. I typically start with weight training, and move to the elliptical and then finish with either some running or basketball. So far, so good. I too feel better, and have much more energy from task to task. My only fear is that with Summer coming, I won't want to be working out indoors. My bike beckons and usually wins out. Time will tell. For now I enjoy the change and the ability to work out anytime I want.

No additional word on the poems I submitted to UW. Turn around time for those things is usually weeks, not days, so I don't expect to hear much for a while. In the meantime, I've stumbled across many new websites talking about publishing, poetry and writing. It's like I've tapped into a whole new chapter of my life. I plan to run with it while the running is good.

Take down your Christmas decorations. It's almost Easter!

More this weekend. Blogging off...


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