Dogs and Fires

The wind died down today and made it a fine day for living. Started like every Sunday with a great message at church. Stuart Briscoe is working on a 6 week study in Matthew that is convicting and poignant.

Cut the lawn, raked a little and tried to make it look like we're not hoarders.

Then I took Toby to the dog park with Sarah. It was as good as always. Such a little piece of heaven in the city. I am such a dog and animal lover. Today's showman was the French Bulldog that looked like a small pig.

When we were on our way home, we saw smoke billowing from an area right near Ben's school. It was frightening and we were curious, so we stopped and pulled onto a nearby street. As it turns out, it was only a garage, which was a great relief to both Sarah and I. No one should have to lose a house to a fire, especially on a Sunday. I think it was especially shocking to Sarah who claimed that she'd never seen a fire before. All fires are spooky to me, especially given my past, where I almost burned our house down...on more than one occasion. (A couple of good stories. Ask me sometime.)

With Earth Day (Earth Week to me) coming up, I want to implore any and all who read this to take some action this week toward making better, greener choices in something you do. I plan on taking a tour of the Materials Recycling Facility in Waukesha here, as part of my week. I'll also continue to walk, bike or bus to work. I'll pick up trash that I see as well and try and get my kids out to do something too. In the past, I've taken them to Bethesda Park, near the Fox River and had them pick up trash. I doubt I'll get them to do that this year, but I'll make a point to at least remind them of the fact that it's Earth Week.

We really need to carry our actions like this into every day. I think the whole green movement that the world is undergoing is awesome. I know there are some political types out there that think it's all a liberal sham, and frankly they're idiots. If doing the right thing is a liberal sham, then call me a liberal shamster. I've always tried to be eco-conscious, and we all SHOULD. Do your part. The earth thanks you.

Blogging off...


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