The Coming Dawn

It's hard to believe it's nearly Memorial Day already. I love this time of year, but I don't want it to go by too fast. We've been graced with two 90 degree days this week, which not only caught us on our heels with things like air conditioners, fans etc, but was a bit of a shock to our system as well. The dog lays hyperventilating on the floor, not sure what to think of it all. The cats lay shedding on the furniture, less active than they usually are, and that ain't saying much.

This weekend we've got an RV ghetto weekend planned with our friends who have a trailer. They've elected to park it at an RV park in Jefferson County about 30 minutes from here. It's made for kids and RV'ers, so has a water park, mini-golf course, para sailing, bungee jumping, roller coaster, stocked fish pond (complete with dynamite for those who want to fish), a 40 store mall, three starbucks, a McDonalds, a private airport, a mayor, streetlights, a full medical staff, an organic farm, a really disgusting slaughterhouse, skeet shooting, and indoor ski hill, tanks and rocket launchers, streets paved with gold, a limousine service, a fat farm, a petting zoo, a real zoo, a future bigger zoo, a brewery, an onsite prison, a recording studio, an RV museum, a Walgreens, an oil field and refinery (for the RV's), a retractable dome, a full sized Nascar track, a sawmill, a pediatric clinic, a polling place (for the mayoral election), a poultry barn, a dog-walking service, space shuttle trips, a beauty salon and a couple of real trees.

This place is better than home...but I digress. It will likely spur it's own post, so I will have to leave it at that, until I've had the whole experience, (though I feel like I just lived it.)

I sent for my new Acadia fishing rod yesterday. They offer a "world class" rod for $64.95, but then add a second one free. It looked like a sweet deal, so I sent for a 7' one-piece heavy action (for Musky) and a 7' two-piece Medium-Heavy action for everything else. They said it was shipped today, so I should see it by Thurs. It will be a nice addition to the Abu-Garcia Reel I got for musky fishing this past winter. I'll let you know what I think when I get them.

Which brings me to my next beef. Why when I get something sent by UPS, does the tracking system work flawlessly? Yet when I get something sent by our glorious Postal service I get a message like this when clicking on the tracking number:

Label/Receipt Number:
XXXX XXXX XXXX 0826 3546 02
There is no record of this item.

No record? But that's the number Acadia gave me. Is anyone home? Oh yeah, it's after 5:00 and they've all gone home. It's no wonder UPS is the leader and the USPS is a last resort.

Sarah's at Tuesday Night Live tonight at Church - the last week of Mosaic for the summer. Then she goes on to the High School "Home meetings" at a home in Pewaukee next fall. I hope and pray that she likes it as much as she liked the Middle School Ministry. She's such a good kid, and I want her to be around other Christians as long as possible. Everything changes so quickly in HS and College, so I figure the more grounded she is, the better off she'll be. Ben too for that matter.

Ben is at the YMCA with a friend swimming and playing in the gym. Hopefully he's behaving as well.

That's about all that's happening at the moment. Last night of writing class tomorrow. Taking a break for the summer. I need to do a lot of editing of stuff I've already written, and in addition to all the travelling we'll be doing this summer, I don't really have the time to commit to punching out 5-10 new pages every week. I've learned A TON in this workshop, and I WILL return, it's just I need a chance to catch my breath and whittle away at the phone book sized stack of edits I have in my closet. It's beginning to look like I won't have the whole memoir done and published by Christmas of 2010 after all.

Would you look at that. I must be a writer. I've officially missed my first deadline.

Having said that, I'll blog off for now...


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