Edge of Insanity

A quick post from a far away city. I write this on my last evening in San Diego at the ESRI Users Conference. I fly back to my real life tomorrow and I am actually ready for it. I'm not looking forward to the weather particularly, but I am ready to see my wife and kids again. I miss them dearly. I miss their wittiness, their touch and their laughter.

It has been a good week here, especially when Donna was here to experience the city with me. I don't want to say it was a transforming week for us, but it was certainly rejuvenating for our marriage, being able to go out to eat every night and just hold hands and enjoy each other's uninterrupted company for extended periods of time. She stretched me to eat at places I'd never been and try things I never tried. She was a trooper for trying new things when I suggested them too. I think she loves San Diego and will no doubt be back.

The conference was a good one too. Learned a ton about the new version of the software and am looking forward to trying out some new things when I get back in the office.

It has been a weird week in that I've done some serious thinking about where we live and why we live there. Not that I'm planning any big moves or anything, just doing some deep thinking about where I want to be in 5, 10, or 15 years. I don't think Waukesha, WI is that place, but I guess that remains to be seen. I'll try and expand on this thought when I post next. Right now I've got a case of jet lag that I need to prepare for tomorrow.

Thanks for bearing with me during this dry spell while I wasn't posting. Believe me, I FEEL it when I don't write for that long of period. In addition to this post tonight, I wrote a poem called God's Ant Farm. Not sure where it'll go, but it sure felt good getting it out of my head.

See ya on the flip side. (i.e. hot, humid, buggy, WI.)

Blogging off...


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