A Bevy of Idyllic Thoughts Wrapped in Confusion

It's been a long strange week around these parts. Lots of relatives and friends (friends' kids) staying with us this past week. Early in the week it was my niece and her boy friend (a VERY nice guy) and then late in the week a friends three kids + one foreign exchange student of theirs.

So in the chaos that was last week, many random things came to me.

  • While we are a private family, we DO like our interactions with friends and family. Only if it is followed up with long periods of just us again.
  • Why does my dog stop at every dog doo that he sees, regardless of whether he's stopped there before? Doesn't all poo pretty much smell the same?
  • Professional Skateboarders may look like they have an ideal job, but they earn every cent. I can't imagine how beat they are at the end of a demo like I saw today.
  • Summer is really just an ongoing battle of homeowners trying to tame God's creation known as their yard. Unfortunately chaos always prevails in the end.
  • The U2 Concert at the Red Rocks amphitheatre in 1983 was the best concert ever, anywhere, and I wasn't there. (I did stand on the stage where it happened this summer however...if that counts.)
  • To write in a coffee shop, on my laptop, with a large coffee, is a bit of heaven for me.
  • Extended periods of heat and humidity bring our productivity levels to a slow crawl around here. When it cooled off here today, I was like a man possessed.
  • I watched my cat jump to his food dish the other day and he left a "hair wake". It's no wonder there's dust bunnies everywhere
  • The Packers defense looked highly sketchy in their first showing last night. Luckily we have an offense that is capable of scoring a lot of points.
  • Along those same lines, I really am only good for the first half of ANY preseason game. I can ALWAYS find a better use of my time than to watch a player wearing #48 trying to cover a receiver that just got his drivers license.
  • Band camp for Ben and Sarah's volleyball practices start this week and none too soon. These kids need to get out of the house.
  • I cannot express the satisfaction I get from seeing Ben all suited up for football. His practice number is 20 which suits him perfectly as a WR/DB. Back in the day, my number was 15 and I was small like him.
  • We've discovered over the past three weeks of having hardwood floors, that we're NOT hardwood fans. We'll be carpeting sometime this fall. We like the ability to sack out in front of the TV, or anywhere for that matter, and hardwood just doesn't allow it, or invite it.
  • Kids at the skate park under 21 drinking Monster Energy Drinks should be required to show an ID. That stuff is poison; kid poison.
  • Carroll students are starting to trickle back which always makes me think of Rod Stewart's song Maggie May.
  • I can get through an entire issue of Sports Illustrated in a single lunch. (The parts I deem worthy of reading.)
  • I did not watch one minute of the PGA at Whistling Straits. Who cares? Am I un-American? I cannot imagine a duller sport to watch, with the exception of Nascar. At least golfers have some physical skills.
  • With that little political rant, I'll be calling it a weekend.
Blogging off...


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