The Dog Days of August

So we're on day 27 of intense heat and humidity, or so it seems. What is with this summer? First torrential rain, then enveloping humidity and heat, wrapped in a cloud of mosquitoes. It is especially hard for us as we have no central air conditioning. The two window air conditioners are going all day and night. It makes the two living areas and dining room at least bearable, but the rest of the house is a sweat box.

I shouldn't complain, because there's many people with much worse. I don't often wish for summer to end, but this is pushing me in that direction rather quickly.

Poor Ben has had practice all week in pads in this heat. He's been a real trooper through it all. He had some big complaints early on when he was extremely sore. Now that he's in better shape though he seems to like it a bit more.

I can't say how proud it makes me to see him in that uniform. It brings me back to the days when I played intramural football as a 6th grader. I loved everything about it. Well, except for running laps. That was no fun. When I watched the last 10 minutes of his past couple practices, that was what they had them doing. If they let me, I'd suit up and run suicides with them.

I'm writing this post on my latest aquisition. My friend Jill got a new MacBook, and gave me her old Jetbook laptop. It should help me considerably in my writing pursuits, at least that was my promise to her.

I've committed to running in the run from the cops 5K in October as well as Als Run Let me tell you training in August is NO FUN. I think I'll be doing much of my running at the YMCA because it's air conditioned. I think Donna and some of her friends are committing to running in one or both of them too. I've determined its MUCH more fun if you run with someone. No one likes getting to the end of the race and not being able to hook up with someone you know.

That's the view from the engine room for a Tuesday.

Blogging off...
That's all from the view on Wed. Blogging off for now.


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