2010 Closing Comments

Well, it's the end of a decade today with a New Years Eve celebration pending everywhere but here. We're keeping it low key tonight. Donna and Sarah have to work the early shift at Matteos, and then Sarah's going to a party/sleepover at a friend's house. It will be just the three of us and I'm OK with that. New Years is one of those blah holidays that I never much got into. We used to spend it with the Barretts, but that tradition has gone by the by the past few years. Ben and I will probably rent a movie, have a sprite and a beer and maybe even cash it in before Midnight. Maybe we'll do the NY midnight instead. :-)

As always, this is a time for reflection on the good and bad of 2010. In some ways by targeting both, you can have a frame of reference for how you'd like 2011 to go. With a focus on the positive and the good, I'll run down my top ten happenings of 2010.

1. I got published! Not just once, which would have been sufficient, but 5 times using 9 different pieces. (8 poems and 1 magazine article.) It has been the best year of my life from a writing perspective. I feel like I'm being stretched, I'm writing with great frequency and it is absolutely way beyond where I expected to be at this time last year.

2. I finished out my 4th year of Boys Club Leadership at Elmbrook. The boys were a joy to lead and I saw amazing SIPS growth (Spiritual, Intellectual, Physical, Social) in all the boys including Ben. God is good!

3. Things at work went much better than in 2009. I had a great year with my co-workers. I feel we're in the process of building a great team for 2011 and it will be a year of some great new applications.

4. The family vacation to Colorado has to rank as one of the best on record, if not THE best. We saw and did so much. Estes Park, Whitewater Rafting, horseback riding in Red Rocks, Red Rocks Amphitheatre, Pikes Peak, Air Force Academy, Durango, and Mesa Verde. Good all good!

5. I stayed enrolled in the AllWriters Workshop and Workplace all year. This has been an incredible support network for me regarding my writing. The people are a lot of fun and the feedback I get is invaluable. They are my buds and I've grown to really appreciate their input.

6. I'm involved as a leader in the Mosaic Ministry atElmbrook. I really had intended to be done with leadership at Elmbrook, but when they needed leaders, I stepped up. I guess God had other plans for me. I'd add that it has been an absolute blessing for me. I'm learning as much as the kids.

7. My health and the health of my wife and kids has been good. Other than a few colds and some stomach issues, everyone has been pretty healthy.

8. I ran in a 5K race with Donna in July. It wasn't really a goal of mine, but when she said she was training, I decided to support her. I finished in 29:25, so was pretty happy with that. I realized I still don't like running that much. I debated doing a duathlon, but that will have to wait until next year, if at all. As I said, not crazy about running.

9. I did a ton of travelling, including Canada again with Steve and Dave, I went to San Diego with Donna, musky fishing with Steve and John Ford, as well as a few trips to MN and one to New York for NY Eve (last).

10. Caught my second muskie, albeit a small one. This may seem like a trivial accomplishment, hardly worth mentioning, unless you are a muskie fisherman. Then you understand.

All in all, 2010 was a pretty good year...with one exception. It was the year Rob had the tumor removed from his spine which prohibited him from going to CO. Then a few weeks ago they found that it had returned and they removed another tumor. Then we find that it has spread to his lungs. I tell you if I could trade you all 10 items above for a healthy brother, I would in a heartbeat.

Here's to a 2011 of appreciating the one's you love, telling them as much and realizing that life is a precious gift.

Have a great 2011 everyone. May God Bless you and your family.

Blogging off for the last time in 2010...


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