Heavy Bear Fame

I got word on Friday that my poetry was published on the online magazine Heavy Bear. It is very exciting for me to have some of my work out there that the whole family can see. Most of my stuff so far has just been print publications, so it's been difficult to get them to be able to read it. They would have to go to the website and order the mags, or subscribe, and most people aren't willing to go to that kind of trouble.

The poems are some of my favorites. Someone asked me if they were based on real events, or strictly made up, and I said that most of my poems have some element of a life experience that resonates in them. I also said that when I'm writing them it's almost visceral the way it happens. I hate to sound cliche in that it just "flows out/through me," but that's really what it is. If you call that a gift or a talent, I do not know. I just know that it feels great to get it down, when it's coming out.

Well, we got the tree up today. Lights are on, but we didn't get to the decorations yet;that we will tackle tomorrow night.

Coupled with this time of the year, having a lit tree in my living room always causes me to reflect on the past year as well as the current blessings in my life. I'm a sucker-sentimentalist, and I know it. This Christmas brings up memories of every Christmas prior, and all of those were good. We should probably keep the tree up all year, but then the novelty would wear off and it would become just like a coffee pot, a couch pillow or my son's dirty socks; something that would need to be cleaned under, cared for or washed. Not to mention it would dry up and become a freakin' fire hazard.

We met our "new" Senior Pastor, Philip Griffin at Elmbrook today. At first glance (second really as we "met" him a couple of months ago) he looks to be a phenomenal teacher. He started by telling the story of how he was preparing for a baptism at his church in Texas, and was frantic about getting hose to fill the baptistry.

As he was getting ready to leave, he was approached by a man who wanted to talk to him. He was tempted to hurry him along, but found out that the guy was gay and was ultimately on his way to commit suicide before he stopped at this church. When Pastor Philip asked him how he planned to do it, he said he had just bought a garden hose and was going to duct tape it to the exhaust and run it in his window.

And some people say God does not work miracles anymore.

Turns out he had a long talk with the man, he accepted Christ, the church accepted him and well...you'll just have to listen to the sermon from the website.

I'm so psyched about the potential that this man of God shows for leading our congregation. He's young, vibrant, and you don't at all get the impression that it's about him. The jury is still out for sure, but he shows great promise. I'm sure he wouldn't be here if God wasn't behind it in some way.

No sign of my new laptop. This could be the last post from the clunker (Jetbook) for a while, if not forever. We'll probably keep it around as a spare for the time being. I've found that my writing has increased 20 fold since we got that Dell and this Jetbook, so I only see good things coming down the pike in the future.

Gotta run for now. Blogging off...


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