Go Time for Rob's Mob

Well it's here. Race day tomorrow. It's the reason for all the training, all the stretching, all the slogging, running, breathing, gasping, wheezing, coughing and spitting. I LOVE the energy of a large run like the one tomorrow. Hundreds, or maybe even thousands of people looking to team up and run/walk for a great cause. I love the challenge, the excitement and the anticipation of the starting gun.

I hate the running part, but the rest is really cool.

Seriously though, the running isn't that bad. I've re-discovered in these past two runs (Last year's run for cancer at the Milwaukee Zoo, and tomorrow's run) that I really don't like running. Now, approaching fifty, running doesn't like me either. My recovery time is a little longer than it was at 27, my knees hate me and my hips feel like they're 90. Sounds like a healthy sport doesn't it? I think I'll be taking up biking a bit more once this run is done. Even my Doctor says running isn't the best thing for my back (that's a surprise?). Gotta listen to the doc.

The family and cousins made it down to Madison this afternoon and are "training" tonight for the 5K walk. It will be good to see them all and see how they're doing. It will be a GREAT day for a GREAT cause that has stricken a GREAT man.  As I said, I'll post "post race" with thoughts, feelings, pictures and maybe even my time. I'm shooting for under 25 minutes (8 min miles) but will be satisfied if I come in under 30. I think last year I hit 29:25, so if I beat that, I'll be happy.

Blogging off and running for my brother...


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