A Moment of Pause

In the spirit of the upcoming Thanksgiving, I wanted to touch on some things I'm thankful for.

1. My Mother. She continues to amaze me with her strength and love in this, the toughest of years.

2. My Wife. She helps to run a tight (but fun) household. I am extremely blessed to have had her for 21 years (and counting).

3. My Sarah. Her academic talents, huge heart and strong faith are dizzying. I love her wit.

4. My Ben. His free spirit, compassion for others and his love of all things social, are my envy.

5. My brother Tom. I credit him with giving me my sense of humor and my love of all things outdoor.

6. My sister Pat. She's always got my back. She defends and supports me with a mother's furor.

7. My sister Jane. Her love of family and her kids is evident every time she opens her home to us.

8. My brother Rob. For teaching me how to live for and love today and quit worrying about tomorrow.

9. My sister in-law Jane. Her strength, perseverance and smile. What a light!

10. My brother Paul. He gave me the love of music and taught me to lighten up.

11. My In-Laws. My New York family has always respected our decisions and has never meddled. Love them.

12. My Job. This year marked 15 years at the county, and I still love my job.

13. My House. It's old and comfortable. There are days I hate it, but most are good.

14. My Faith. Thanks to my friend Pat for discipling me back when I didn't want to be discipled. It was a great foundation.

15. My Friends. Good friends to fish with, watch the game with, laugh with, cry with, mourn with. Like wine, they get better with age.

16. My Writing Class. A strange thing to be thankful for, but I love these people and those nights I get to go and play writer. It stretches me and gives me great joy.

17. My Pets. It's a weird thing if you think about it, having animals running around your house. They give the house a whole new energy.

18. Wisconsin Sports Teams. We're reaching the zenith of Packers/Brewers/Badgers success and it sure is fun. I think back to the Packers/Brewers of the late '80's. We've come a LONG way.

19. My City. Waukesha is quaint, safe, boring and beautiful. My second home.

20. My iPod. Strange again, but I use it daily on my walk to work and it helps make my day a little easier.

That's it. I challenge each of you to count your own blessings this Thanksgiving. You shouldn't have to look far to realize how lucky we are in this country.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Blogging off...


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