Boss Nass in 3D

I ventured into the realm of writing a fiction short story this week. I was sent a link by a friend to a publisher soliciting short stories that incorporate the element of cartography and "place." Well if there's one thing I know it's cartography. Couple it with writing, and it becomes nirvana-like for me. I was looking to submit something I'd already written, when my writing instructor said why don't I try writing a fictional piece for it? I couldn't think of a reason why not and like she said, it would give me a little break from the non-fiction pieces I had been focusing on.

I set about it with a shell of a story line. I wonder if that's how most fiction writers start out? Do they just start hammering away and totally make it up as they go along, or do they know how it's going to end before they start? This is new ground for me, so the questions are many. I found it easy to get revved up and the first couple pages came off easily. Then I started to think how this story would be compelling enough to get people to want to read more. Anyone can write an OK story, but the ones I find best are those that are complex and have interesting plot twists. Then I started to get too complex thinking I was writing a whole book instead of a short story. It's these kinds of things that anguish me as a writer and I wonder if others struggle with the same things?

Memoir and Creative Non-Fiction is all about memory and recall. Recalling events, people, circumstances and time. Fiction is all about creating worlds, events and people. Everyone is capable of both, it's just I'm not used to the latter. In that sense it is a stretch. It's forcing me to use my imagination in ways that non-fiction does not. Both are good in their own right, but both pushing me in different ways. The process is cool in both cases.

I just saw the Star Wars Episode I in 3D on the big screen. I had seen that they were re-releasing each of the first 3 episodes and they would be in 3D, so I was psyched. After seeing the first one I was a bit disappointed. Don't get me wrong, seeing it on the big screen was amazing. The digital sound was amazing. Costuming, special effects both amazing. The 3D end of it though was just OK. Not eye popping, not riveting, just OK. It gave the movie a depth for sure, but like Alice in Wonderland, it was used more in a muted form where things really didn't pop out at you. My recommendation is to see it, but don't expect to be blown away.


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