Where We're At

Today was just another average Wednesday. Hump day. Go back to work day. (I took yesterday off.) Just average. Until I came home to see my article had been published in MidWest Outdoors Magazine . I had a feeling they were going to accept it based on the feedback I'd received, but was ecstatic to see it in print! The story is titled "Brothers Through Thick and Fin - A Muskie Brotherhood." I had a feeling it would sell because it has a few key elements that make for a good story. There's the family element, some great fishing stories and pictures, and of course an incredibly sad sideline to it all. It is the fourth article I've had published with this Magazine and they have all been paying acceptances. I can't say enough about the magazine, only that it is a must for outdoor lovers in the MidWest region. The picture below was one of the 4 pictures in the piece. It is my brother Paul holding his first muskie in 2005. Also coming in the mail in the next d...