Socially Overworked

So things have ramped up again on the book promotion front. Don't ask me why, but these things come in waves, and my anxiety and sense of urgency waxes and wanes like the surf. When I first got my book deal, I could barely sleep all week. My mind was racing with all that I wanted to do and I had a terrible time figuring out what to do first. Eventually, common sense and exhaustion set in and I came to my senses. I realized that what I really needed to do was to figure out what to do today . Not next week, not tomorrow, not in June, but today. That worked for a few weeks, and I've been pretty good. I ratcheted things down a bit, got some business cards, updated my author site, and made some decent contacts to promotional people. I got on Twitter and Facebook, posted daily and got the word out. Now, all of the sudden In a single week, I'm working on a book trailer, figuring out what the heck GoodReads is all about (still not sure) and loading up my shelf on Shelfari. ...