Parting Thoughts

I would like to wish this February a fond farewell. Well, maybe fond is a little strong. I'd just like to wish it farewell. Actually, in two days I'll happily say good riddance. February, the month people love to hate. March holds hope. January - well, it's got nothin' either, but February it's just February. (It's even spelled wrong.) What I'd really like to say good riddance to is not the month, but to winter. Unfortunately, that may not happen for a couple of months yet - at least not fully. My thoughts are not healthy or good this time of year. Some random thoughts and observations: My skin itches until it flakes off like sawdust, which then makes up 90% of the dust in my house. Who says you can't be everywhere at once? I hate the neighbor 3 doors down for putting a layer of salt 1/2 inch thick on his sidewalk. He's salinating our rivers and lakes, (if salinating is even a word. If it's not I don't care, because its February) My ...