Time To Move On

I don't normally post on Mondays, but after hearing of the death of Tom Petty, I felt compelled to speak to it as well as the much, much bigger tragedy in Las Vegas last night.

As you know, this summer marked my Chase the Aging Rockers pursuit. I saw some of the old greats including Roger Waters, The Church, Tommy Tutone, The Suburbs and most recently Stevie Nicks. Time is of the essence with the bands of my earlier generation and we were picking them off one at a time. One of the ones my wife and I hedged on was Tom Petty. This is a perfect example of why sometimes, you just gotta spend the money.

More recently, I blogged about his Zombie Zoo earworm.

I guess I've been a Petty fan since the Damn the Torpedos album. Some of his biggest hits (Refugee, Even the Losers, etc.) weren't favorites of mine - not bad songs, mind you - but I still respected the tune and the songwriting.

As he became more and more mainstream, I kind of lost interest.

When Wildflowers came out I think we bought the CD through the Buy 1 CD get 10 free BMG music service. I wasn't sure what to expect. It marked my giving Tom a second chance.

It was a great album. Perhaps his best, in my opinion. We played it on road trips, we played it while preparing dinner and we played it while painting the living room. So many good songs.

And when he branched out with the Travelling Wilburys, I followed him there too.

I guess it goes on and on, but my point is, that time is so precious - to everyone.

Appreciate each day.

There are 58 people who didn't wake up today because they wanted to see a concert much like the Tom Petty one I talked about going to to. The thought occurred to both my wife and I that we must pursue the aging rockers circuit again soon. Along with that thought though comes the reality that something as tragic as the Las Vegas slaughter could very well happen to us. You never know.

So, hug your kids, call your friends, and tell your significant other you love them. Better yet, do these things every day. Because,

It's time to move on. Time to get going. 
What lies ahead I have no way of knowing.
But under my feet, baby, grass is growing;
It's time to move on, it's time to get going.*

*Lyrics by Tom Petty from Time to Move On (Wildflowers)

Godspeed, Tom Petty.

Blogging off...


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