Inspiration I Never Asked For

So, seven years ago today I lost a brother after a long battle with cancer. He left behind a wife and two beautiful daughters as well as friends and a family that loved him. His legacy for me was to live life with a sense of urgency. Our time is short. Love hard. Forgive often. Don't waste your days. Things don't matter, people do. His death also inspired much reflection and, as a result, some poetry. Here are a few that I've written about him and his life. The Closer Side of Heaven* You’re on the closer side of heaven a lower stratosphere place for the young ones the strong ones who can still climb. I wonder what it’s like on that closer side of heaven near to God but still near to us left down here to wait it out. Is it beautiful and stunning this closer side of heaven? Better than any earthly day on the farther side of our earth? I await your reply. *From Written Life One Cast* ...