Writing For My Life

I have taken a session off at the writing studio I have been involved in for the past 9 years or so. I was a little burnt and just needed to take some time to write new material and rest. Like any hobby or pastime, I think you can get into a rut and I just needed to break things up a bit.

That doesn't mean that there are a not a lot of things going on in my writing circles, because there are. I don't sit still well, so have been working on new things, promoting, submitting and networking. 

Here are a few things happening.

  • On December 9th I'll be reading my poem Guest House at the Bards Against Hunger reading at Good Harvest in Waukesha. This event charges a $5.00 admission or two food items which goes to the Waukesha Food Pantry. The collection of poetry, all about hunger and poverty will be for sale at the event as well. Very happy to be included in it. 
  • I was asked to do a guest blog for a website focused on art in the country of Georgia. My first post is here, with more to come as I feel led. This is a great chance to get a little international exposure, so I'm glad I followed through. (I was referred by the owner of Paperbacks Plus in North Saint Paul, MN.) 
  • I will be taking part in an interview by Brainhackers.com in mid-December. They solicited me for a 15 minute interview on their website. I've sent them the Portland House book, so we will be discussing it, the writing process and more. 
  • I will be in St. Paul Minnesota on December 13th with friend and colleague, Barb Geiger talking about our outdoor paddling memoirs. I love this little bookstore and it is always good to go back home and see friends and family. 
  • I have a couple of entries into contests that I am extremely hopeful about. The contests are paying, but I'm in them as much for the notoriety they might bring. So, fingers crossed.
  • I also have several other poems and nonfiction pieces submitted that I am waiting to hear about. 
So, despite not being enrolled, I'm still hard at the writing thing. Life is good.

Blogging off...


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