Today's Pandemic Top Ten Quotes
10 Quotes from the land of COVID-19 in late February 1. "Why am I so tired tonight?" 2. "I'm doing laundry, do you need your masks washed?" 3. "You know how I was going to try and stop drinking during the week? Yeah, no." 4. "I went to the coffee shop today and there was a group of women holding an unmasked book study. Maniacs!" 5. "It might be a frozen pizza night!" (Sometimes twice a week.) 6. "You should put your pajamas on and be done with it." (Quoting my wife at 5:30 PM) 7. If I have to sit through another Zoom meeting, I'm going to scream."" 8. "Your mic is muted!" 9. "How can you be 11 months into a pandemic and claim you don't have a web cam. C'mon, man!" 10. "I'm going to share my screen now. Hopefully this will work okay." (It always does. This is not a new technology. C'mon, man!) The list goes on and on. I'd like to say we've turned the corner...