Another Weekend Toasted

Well, another weekend goes in the books. It always goes too fast.

We had a good one around here. Friday Donna and I went shoe shopping as a date. Jealous yet? Actually it was Nice to spend some time in a store together. I loathe shopping, but it is much more bearable when I have her along because she helps me pull the trigger on some purchases I would normally wait on (to find a "better deal" that I usually never find.)

Saturday the two of us continued our date by going to breakfast at Blues Egg. The only way I can describe it is a gourmet breakfast. I had an omelet stuffed with Cale and sausage and cheese, and their stuffed browns, which are hash browns with a ton of good ingredients mixed in. It was amazing. We also got Monkey Bread which is a sweet roll type thing that is made of little bread ball nugget things. It was good too, but I thought next time we could stand for just the browns and monkey bread.

The nice thing about the whole outing was, we took home 1/2 our meal and had it for breakfast this morning. I got to enjoy it twice. That is what I have learned about going out to dinner. Restaurants ALWAYS server too big of portions. I've gotten to where I am not ashamed to ask for a take home box, and so can always enjoy my leftovers the next day so as to not feel too stuffed the night of dinner.

Later in the day, I took Ben and a friend to a movie. I dropped them there and was able to go to Starbucks and write for two hours. Then last night we all hung out together as a family and goofed around. I am so lucky to have such good kids and to be able to enjoy them in their early teens. (I reserve the right to change this tune later in their "late teen years".)

Today we started out by going to church. The sermon was on "the D word" (Divorce). Thinking it was not applicable to me, I turned out to be wrong. It was not targeted simply to people who have been through a divorce, but anyone who has been affected by a divorce, or knows of someone who has been affected. That pretty much included everyone in the sanctuary at that point. A great message by our great new pastor Philip Griffin. He is so gifted in teaching. He is just what this church needed.

This afternoon we had a Thanksgiving dinner with Jill, Steve and Katie at Jill and Steve's place. It was a "locally grown, organic" thanksgiving dinner and was phenomenal. Good stuff, and good stuffing. Great to be around good friends. I especially feel I got to know Katie a little better. She's a sweetheart too. She's actually a non-skating referee for women's roller derby and had some great stories about that whole experience.

So, despite the weekend flying by, it was still a REALLY full, really good weekend. Now if we could just get spring to pop, I'd be a happy camper.


Blogging off...


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