Poems, and Articles and Rejections, Oh My!

This was a strange week for me and my writing muse. I submitted a poem to verse wisconsin about the protests in Madison and they accepted it and published it online. It can be seen at: www.versewisconsin.org/#poems. It's not a huge deal, but kind of cool. They were asking for poems specifically about the Madison chaos, and having lived it firsthand, I thought it was a good chance to speak my piece. There's some really good poems there, and some clunkers. I've come to discover that that's just the nature of poetry. I can appreciate many different styles, but some are just like "what did they just say?"

That's kind of a statement for life in general. Some people you get, some you don't.

The downside of the writing thing happened the next day when I submitted my article to Musky Hunter magazine. This was an article I felt pretty good about. It had a good story to it, a decent amount of humor, and had been well reviewed by many of my fishing friends. Well, within 24 hours of sending it in, I got a rejection notice. I was extremely disappointed, because I thought this was the perfect target market for it. Evidently they are too much of a technical magazine for the slant I had to my article.

This doesn't mean I've given up on it. I've already marketed it to another online fishing magazine called Go Fish and am looking into others. That doesn't mean it doesn't still hurt, just that it won't keep me down. There's too many markets out there that will give it a fair shake, that I needn't dwell on the rejections.

Our AllWriters class started another session last night. We have two new students that showed and possibly another that didn't show. It should be a big class, almost 12 people from what I counted. It's always nice to have new blood as it brings with it new styles and viewpoints. I love it and am looking forward to another good 10 week session.

Word from Rob is that he's doing a little better. He seems to have his appetite back an is getting stronger too. Still has a long road ahead to get his weight back up, but at least is not feeling crappy all the time. Sister Pat was there this past weekend and got to see him for a bit. I talk with him by text almost daily. Technology is a great thing during times like these.

Blogging off...


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